In summer and autumn, many festivals are held in Japan.
The festivals in Japan are derived from thanks to God,nature which gave a crop,our ancestors.
Yaho Tenman-gu Shrine annual festival was held in Kunitachi-cuty on September 24 and 25.
Yaho Tenman-gu Shrine →
The pleasure of the festival is the night stall !!
we call them 'YOMISE'. 夜店 夜(YO) 店(MISE) よみせ
'夜' means night. '店' means store.
Many Yomise open in my town during the festival.
They sell rare dishes,toys and play game that built a premium .
I uploaded photos of YOMISE in my town below.
本格手作り フランクフルト 味の名門八百三
本格(hon kaku) = real 手作り(te zuku ri)= handmade
フランクフルト = Frankfurt
味(aji) = taste の(no) = of 名門(mei mon) = a distinguished family
八百三(ya o zou) = the name of the shop
一本(i ppon ) = one 300円(san byaku en) = 300yen

特製(toku sei) = specially made
たこ焼き = takoyaki
たこ(tako) = octopus 焼き = roast

↓ octopus,octopus,octopus
広島風(hiroshima fu) = Hiroshima-like
お好み焼き(o kono mi ya ki) = a meat(seafood) and vegetable pancake
There are variety of kinds of masks.
This game is called 'Syateki'. 射的
射(sya) = shoot 的(teki) = target
He plays the game with toy rifle.
The target are premiums.
ばなな(ba na na) = banana
チョコ(cho ko) = chocolate
He is scrupulous....
This game is called 'Lucky ball'.
The ball is hit by stick with strong spring.
We get a premium when balls fit in into the hole.
cuttlefish barbecue
She scooped up Glass marbles by paper spoon.
The paper spoon is torn when she is going to scoope up many glass marbles.
That is problem.

産地直送(san chi tyoku sou) さん ち ちょく そう
産(san) = create 地(chi) = farmland 直(tyoku) = direct 送(sou) = transport
産地直送 means directing from the farm
scooping up bouncy balls
The kebab

This game is called 'Treasure hunt'.
One of the Ropes on the table ties up a premium.
Rest of other ropes tie up nothing. (ToT)
1game 300yen
When I was child,I wanted more money to play in the night stall.
But the wish has not been granted yet.......
By the way,I made two T-shirts.(by Zazzle)
1,Setsuden (Save Energy)
2,Teaching of Buddha
1,Setsuden means 'saving energy'.
本格(hon kaku) = real 手作り(te zuku ri)= handmade
フランクフルト = Frankfurt
味(aji) = taste の(no) = of 名門(mei mon) = a distinguished family
八百三(ya o zou) = the name of the shop
一本(i ppon ) = one 300円(san byaku en) = 300yen
特製(toku sei) = specially made
たこ焼き = takoyaki
たこ(tako) = octopus 焼き = roast
↓ octopus,octopus,octopus
広島風(hiroshima fu) = Hiroshima-like
お好み焼き(o kono mi ya ki) = a meat(seafood) and vegetable pancake
There are variety of kinds of masks.
This game is called 'Syateki'. 射的
射(sya) = shoot 的(teki) = target
He plays the game with toy rifle.
The target are premiums.
ばなな(ba na na) = banana
チョコ(cho ko) = chocolate
He is scrupulous....
This game is called 'Lucky ball'.
The ball is hit by stick with strong spring.
We get a premium when balls fit in into the hole.
cuttlefish barbecue
She scooped up Glass marbles by paper spoon.
The paper spoon is torn when she is going to scoope up many glass marbles.
That is problem.
sweet potate stick fried in oil.
産地直送(san chi tyoku sou) さん ち ちょく そう
産(san) = create 地(chi) = farmland 直(tyoku) = direct 送(sou) = transport
産地直送 means directing from the farm
scooping up bouncy balls
The kebab
This game is called 'Treasure hunt'.
One of the Ropes on the table ties up a premium.
Rest of other ropes tie up nothing. (ToT)
1game 300yen
This is a shop of a lottery and the premium, too.
When I was child,I wanted more money to play in the night stall.
But the wish has not been granted yet.......
By the way,I made two T-shirts.(by Zazzle)
1,Setsuden (Save Energy)
2,Teaching of Buddha
1,Setsuden means 'saving energy'.
節電 節(setsu) = saving 電(den) = electricity
We japanese,wasted electricity until March 11.
The earthquake and the nuclear plant accident might be The Revelation from God.
It was The Revelation forced to much sacrifice.....
So I intended to save electricity as much as possible and made this T-shirt.
Composite picture(Zazzle model + Japan's scenery.) scenery:Ginza
2,Teaching of Buddha
諸悪莫作 衆善奉行 (syo aku maku sa) (syuu zen bu gyou)
Teaching of Buddha
諸悪莫作 衆善奉行 (syo aku maku sa) (syuu zen bu gyou)
This is teaching of Buddha.
諸悪莫作 (syo aku maku sa) 諸=Various 悪=evil or bad thing 莫=not 作=do →Do not what is evil.
衆善奉行 (syuu zen bu gyou) 衆=Many 善=good 奉=heartily 行=do→Do what is good.These are the basis of the Buddhism. Is it too natural?but the most difficult.(^_^)
Composite picture(Zazzle model + Japan's scenery) scnery: Kamakura daibutsu
Wind became cold in my town.
Cold Winter will come soon....
See you next time.
Thank you!!