
Two weeks passed from an earthquake in Japan.

Two weeks passed from an earthquake in Japan.
The ghastly situation has been gradually reported in Tokyo by TV,NewsPaper,etc.

First,We were surprised at the strength of the earthquake, next we were surprised at the present conditions of the stricken area. 

The aftershock called the information takes us. 
(Photos from NewYorkTimes.)

Because these  are unbearable photograph、if you want all photos click this link.
There is Japan in sorrow and hardship and confusion. 
However, we still advance step by step. 

The world supports Japan mentally economically. This is splendid!

We Japanese thanks world people and must thank God. When Japan revived, we should repay their kindness if they are troubled. 

Taiwan is too unbelievable!! 
Taiwan contributed 4,700,000,000 yen.(58,750,000US$  1$=80yen)
How should I repay Taiwan's kindness?

In Mongolia, the government does an appeal for the donation of the salary for 1st to all public employees. 
Public employees, thank you. And I am sorry. 

Of course the quantity of the amount of money does not matter. The children of many countries prayed for Japan.

【World rescue party gathers in Japan.】
Many countries are dispatched to Japan in a rescue party.

There are many episodes, but this blog wants to introduce a Swiss rescue party.

It was reported that an explosion occurred at a nuclear power plant by the government right before a Swiss rescue party started activity. 

However, the Switzerland rescue party left for the stricken area while there was the other rescue party which couldn't rescue operation by the withdrawal order from the own country.

Because the relief while the snow falls is very dangerous, it is said that the captain was troubled till the last. 

All of rescue parties of each country, we thank for your  rescue operation in the uneasiness of  radioactivity.

We really appreciate it.

(photos from reuter)

Swiss team

Swiss team

U.K team

U.S team

Self-Defense Force saves Japan】
A member of about 100,000 Self-Defense Force conducts a rescue operation now in the stricken area. 
(photos from NewYorkTimes)

(photo from Reuter/Yomiuri Shimbun)

(photo from NewYorkTimes)

(photo from newscientist.com)

operation tomodachi】
The United States Armed Forces cooperate overall, too.
They name relief operation 'operation tomodachi'.
(tomodachi means friend.) 友達 ともだち

(photos from flickr)

(photo from SankeiShinbun)

The marine in Japan does a rescue operation , too.
(photo from NewYorkTimes) 

We thank all of you. Thank you very much.

【one more thing.......】
The member of Japanese Self-Defense Force is about 230,000. In other words the member of the half is arranged for the rescue operation of the stricken area. 

The Japanese defense is reduced to half. 

Such news entered yesterday. 

3/26 16:45(JST)  A helicopter of the Chinese national marine bureau near-missed around Marine Self Defense Force naval escort navigating high seas of the East China Sea (a place leaving the gas field) and threatened it. 

Sankei Newspaper(産経新聞) Japanese Newspaper

near-missed around Japanese Marine Self Defense Force naval escort

Nikkei Newspaper(日経新聞) Japanese Newspaper

In international custom, the approach to the warship by  is admitted only to sky 150 meters of the warship. (165yard)

The Chinese helicopter came close to 60 meters.(66yard)

They performed the dangerous near miss  on March 7  and did on March 26,again.

Though,I understand that it is often that adjacent countries have a problem. 

and I know that China does great support in Japan.

China,Relax Please……
Even if you threaten present Japan, it is waste of the fuel………

And we thank the Chinese all of you who sent a contribution.Thank you very much! 谢谢

I will write a bright topic on the next time! ! 

Postscript(March 29)------------------------------------------------------------

In addition, Russia wasted the fuel in the Sea of Japan, too. 
The Russian military plane (SU27 fighter & AN12) closed the Japanese air space on the Sea of Japan on both days of March 21, March 17, and the fighter of the Japanese Air Self-Defense Force scrambled. 
After all the world is not formed only by good will.......

( I wrote it in the last blog )
I made the product of the contribution object with a kanji.

 Please buy it if you like it. 

All of the proceeds are contributed to the Red Cross.

ーーー→This campaign was finished on April 12.Thank You very much.
ーーー→It sells it continuously. 

Please click it.(window‐shopper OK^^)

I made T-shirts(sticker etc) with this kanji.(2 version)

This kanji means Tsunami.   津波
津=つ Tsu 波=なみ Nami

I made this from the impression of a cruel tsunami.

Tomodachi means friend. tomo=友 dachi=達 operation=作戦

and more people sell contribution puroducts in Zazzle.

ーーー→This campaign was finished on April 12.Thank You very much.
ーーー→It sells it continuously. 


The earthquake and tsunami in Japan.

As you know,there were big earthquake and merciless tsunami in Japan ,March 11 ,2011.

And many people were passed.....

dead persons: 8,450 people
dead persons and missing persons: 21,000 people 
A refugee: 350,000 people 

These numbers seem to still increase. There is not such a cruel count up.
I sometimes thought that earthquake to have been a dream.
I sometimes felt that happy day began as usual.
However, I am pulled back to reality immediately by news of the television. 

People in the world prayed for Japan. 
And a lot of countries do the support. 
http://p.tl/Lsv4  (from macleans.ca)

Thank you very much. I thank world all of you.

the earthquake drunkenness
Do you know words of "the earthquake drunkenness"? 
地震酔い じしんよい 地震(じしん)=earthquake 酔い(よい)=drunkenness
I suffer from light earthquake drunkenness now. 
Though an earthquake does not occur, the earthquake drunkenness is a symptom to feel that the ground shakes. 

When I write this blog,I feel that  floor shaking.
I am the same even if I sleep.

I felt that earthquake occurred again! and I jumped out of a house hastily, but outside the house was very quiet. 
There were such a thing in several times. and then I thought  what did i do?

But,the true aftershock is generated as ever. 
So, I am always confused.(T0T)

I think that there is the person that more symptoms are heavy in the victim.
Probably, they can't sleep.

rolling blackouts
Because nuclear power generation has failed, rolling blackouts are carried out in Tokyo.
It will take long time to return to normal life.

Many organizations raise contribution. 
The victim lost family, friend, house, all the towns.
We cannot bring back the life of dead people, but can put back their living environment.

Please donate to them,if you can afford to do it.(a Small amount of money is enough.)

if you are smoker,I recommend that you endure to smoke a box of cigarette and contribute an amount of money same as it.You will live long for a box of cigarette.

If you drink a beer,I recommend that you endure to drink one bottle beer. and you will not have escapism for one bottle beer.

An aerial bombardment began in Libya. Somewhere of the earth, sorrow is always taking place repeatedly......

Do  you know Zazzle?  
Zazzle is the net service that sells the T-shirt(iPad case,mug Cup etc. ), which oneself designed. It is an American company. 

Zazzle begins contribution service.

The profit of an article sold at a corner of the contribution is contributed to the Japanese Red Cross entirely.

ーーー→This campaign was finished on April 12.

So,I made the product of the contribution object with a kanji, too. Please buy it if you like it. 
All of the proceeds are contributed to the Red Cross.

Please click it.(window‐shopper OK^^)

ーーー→This campaign was finished on April 12.Thank You very much.
ーーー→It sells it continuously. 

I made T-shirts(sticker etc) with this kanji.(2 version)

This kanji means Tsunami. 津波  
津=つ(Tsu) 波=なみ(Nami)
I made this from the impression of a cruel tsunami.


Is the newspaper art?

The weather is very cold every day.

It's too troublesome to take outdoor photos.(^_^;)
So I upload my works.(^~^)/

This is the collage of the kanji(newsPaper).

It is easy to make.
So this is recommended for everyone.

I used PC to invert white color and black color.
I used 'GraphicConverter'(software's name) with Mac,but many graphic software is equipped with this function.

Even if you do collage of only economic article, the work does not become the high price. (^^)


Pano and My neighborhood

Do you know PANO? This is iPhone APP.
I can take a panorama photograph when I use this APP.

This photo is my neighborhood.
The blue sky of the winter. An area is a rice field. 
It is the country……….

This photo is Tachikawa Station. たちかわえき 立川駅
Tachikawa is about 40 km west of the center of Tokyo.

This is University avenue. だいがくどおり 大学通り
This avenue is in the Kunitachi City. くにたちし 国立市


The Japanese devil-like than an octopus.(The Japanese Supermarket part1(maybe))

This is Supermarket in Japan.

This is the fresh fish counter.

What? These are legs(hand?) of octopus.


In the old days, some European people regarded an octopus as an unlucky creature.(Anyone will think so. )

The octopus was called "the devilfish" in English once.

However, the Japanese cuts the leg (hand?) of this octopus and bites it directly.(grrr….)

Many people eat an octopus now because there are many sushi bars in the world. 

Therefore it may be said that a human being is the devil for an octopus.

These are fresh sardines in iced water.(about 1US$)
We buy this and cook it in a house. 

what? what's that? (Left side of the photo)

Yack! This is なみ貝。(なみがい/nami-gai shellfish)

it's  like an alien!!


Oh NO! I do not want to look more!

However, the sashimi of this shellfish is very delicious. (^_^;)

In addition, the Japanese eats other shellfish.
clam and  short-necked clam (はまぐり と あさり)

All the fish seem to be angry when I watch their eyes.

However, fishes turn into beautiful cooking when they are  cooked as sashimi.(^_^)

What the hell are you looking at !?