
The Japanese devil-like than an octopus.(The Japanese Supermarket part1(maybe))

This is Supermarket in Japan.

This is the fresh fish counter.

What? These are legs(hand?) of octopus.


In the old days, some European people regarded an octopus as an unlucky creature.(Anyone will think so. )

The octopus was called "the devilfish" in English once.

However, the Japanese cuts the leg (hand?) of this octopus and bites it directly.(grrr….)

Many people eat an octopus now because there are many sushi bars in the world. 

Therefore it may be said that a human being is the devil for an octopus.

These are fresh sardines in iced water.(about 1US$)
We buy this and cook it in a house. 

what? what's that? (Left side of the photo)

Yack! This is なみ貝。(なみがい/nami-gai shellfish)

it's  like an alien!!


Oh NO! I do not want to look more!

However, the sashimi of this shellfish is very delicious. (^_^;)

In addition, the Japanese eats other shellfish.
clam and  short-necked clam (はまぐり と あさり)

All the fish seem to be angry when I watch their eyes.

However, fishes turn into beautiful cooking when they are  cooked as sashimi.(^_^)

What the hell are you looking at !?

1 件のコメント:

  1. (笑)「What? These are legs(hand?) of octopus.」The The word you want is "tentacle". The are the tentacles of octopi.

    Thank you for taking the time to post and comment.
